Looking for a job as SPORTS SPECIALIST in Fort Riley? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much SPORTS SPECIALIST actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Sports specialist in the year 2024 earns per year from 37 696 USD to 87 500 USD
A person working as Sports specialist typically earns around 57 000 USD in Fort Riley in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 5% higher than the average salary in the United States
This position is located at Fort Riley Aquatics Facilities. This position is eligible for the NAF benefits package and leave accrual. To better expedite the hiring process, we recommend including fu...
This position is located at Fort Riley, KS. This position is eligible for the NAF benefits package and leave accrual. To better expedite the hiring process, we recommend including full contact infor...
Eligible applicants that apply on or before 12/18/2024 will be sent first for consideration This position is located at Fort Riley Youth Sports and Fitness. Applicants with prior experience in CYS Yo...
Eligible applicants that apply on or before 11/25/2024 will be sent first for consideration This position is located at Fort Riley Youth Sports and Fitness. Applicants with prior experience in CYS Yo...
This position is located at Fort Riley, KS. This announcement may be used to fill additional vacancies throughout the program. Management has the right to assign staff to locations as mission requires...
This position is located at Fort Riley, KS. To better expedite the hiring process, we recommend including full contact information (name, address, phone number, email, etc.) for professional and pers...